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ADGenderPh launches online advocacy campaign PRIDE.Ph

The world we live in is now becoming more and more diverse - in workplaces and other institutions. As organizations become more diverse, leaders and managers are up to the task to ensure that everyone is given the equal opportunity, access to resources, and rights. But this task is arduous and would usually encounter opposition that limit some people from achieving their full potentials.

An online campaign is therefore launched by ADGenderPh to curate information related to gender equity, diversity, and inclusion and hopes to reach more leaders and managers in using these information for their organizational governance and policy-making. This campaign named PRIDE.Ph is an acronym for the values ADGenderPh advocates - People-centeredness, Responsive, Inclusive, Diverse, and Socially-Equitable Leadership and Governance.

ADGenderPh's Principal Consultant Alvin Dakis hopes that this online campaign page will transform into a solid movement where leaders and managers would espouse its principles, appreciate and utilize its tools, and apply its framework in their own organizations. Initially, Pride.Ph will be in Facebook as its primary platform and its contents will also be regularly posted in ADGenderPh's website.

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